Please click on below for showcase of pictures and videos from our Lab.

SAVE Lab for All Residents
Senior residents led junior residents through a series of trauma scenarios during the SAVE (Surgery for Abdomino-Thoracic Violence) lab. Patient histories were given to the junior residents, who then stepped up to perform life-saving surgery on the corresponding defects in the models. The seniors coached the juniors through the thought processes of each case and assisted with surgeries. Dr. Jessica Kramer, Dr. Jennifer Leonard and Dr. Mark Hoofnagle, Assistant Professors of General Surgery, and Dr. Paul Wise, the Director of General Surgery Residency, proctored the lab.
Junior Resident Lab for Fundamental Laparoscopic Skills
In this lab, PGY1/PGY2’s practiced their laparoscopic skills. Activities included a peg transfer board, cutting a circular pattern, suturing practice and more. Dr. Arnab Majumder, Dr. Jordan Kirsch and Dr. Thoi Ngo instructed the residents, as well as Dr. Paul Wise, the Director of General Surgery Residency.
Washington University BEST College Prep Program
Sixteen high school students from the Wash U College Prep Program tried their skills at the WISE Center. Using various simulation machines and models, students practiced knot tying, tried to transfer objects laparoscopically, played games on the Davinci XI robot, and popped cartoon balloons with an endoscope. Many of the students are interested in a medical career, so this was a great opportunity to have hands-on experience with doctors, fellows, residents, and surgical techs guiding them through the activities. A great time was had by all!
Thyroid Lab
PGY2 and PGY3 General Surgery residents perform a thyroidectomy procedure. Proctored by Dr. T.K. Pandian, residents practiced removing the thyroid and placed a tracheotomy tube.
Lap LAR Lab
In the Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection lab ,proctored by Dr. Coen Klos, PGY5 General Surgery residents led PGY4 residents through the colon resection procedure. The lab tested the knowledge of the residents as well as the teaching abilities of the PGY5 residents.
Surgical Technology Program with St. Louis Community College
The WISE Center partnered with the Surgical Technology Program at Forest Park Community College to have their students practice their skills during the General Surgery Residents thyroidectomy lab. Temporarily on hold because of the Covid pandemic, this was the first time in over a year and a half that the WISE Center was able to host the students again. We look forward to many more great labs with the Surg Tech Program!
BJC School Outreach and Youth Development Program Virtual Tour for CAPS Students
The WISE Center hosted a virtual tour for high school students in the BJC School Outreach and Youth Development Program. Residents Britta Han, Frank Olumba and Hailey Shepherd, and Medical School student Alberto Sobrero showed the simulation equipment available to practice surgical techniques. Dr. Michael Awad and WISE Skills Coordinators Karen Schubert and Angie DeClue led the residents through the center as they showcased their abilities on the various models. The tour was transmitted to a group of high school students in the CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) Program, hosted by Jennifer Irvin, the School-Community Education Partner of the BJC program. Students were able to interact by writing questions in the Zoom chat during the tour. A great time was had by all!
Introduction to Robotics Lab
The Intro to Robotics Lab for General Surgery and Urology Interns was held in January and February. Dr. Michael Awad, Dr. Arnab Majumder and Dr. Francesca Dimou led the first-year residents through docking/undocking the Intuitive Davinci XI robotic system, loading trocars and instruments onto the arms and sitting at the surgeon’s console. At the console, the learners practiced through directly using the robot system, or on a simulator using video-game style exercises to test their fine motor skills. The WISE Center at Wash U has the Davinci XI placed on a grant, for residents (and other learners) to use.